Cherry Blossom Viewing in Vancouver
Diaries - 2019

Accolade cherry blossoms at Vancouver City Hall with George Vancouver statue

January 15, 2019

Whitcomb cherry tree at Nicola and Pendrell:

whitcomb nicola whitcomb nicola


February 2, 2019

Second visit to see Whitcomb cherry trees at Nicola and Pendrell:

whitcomb Whitcomb

Whitcomb cherry tree on Denman, near seawall:

whitcomb denman whitcomb denman

March 9 2019

Whitcomb cherry trees on Aubrey, in Burnaby


March 23, 2019

McSpaden Park is a great destination if you want to see Whitcomb cherry trees this week.

Whitcomb cherry trees at McSpaden Park in Vancouver. Whitcomb cherry blossoms at McSpaden Park in Vancouver (Photo: Jessica Tremblay)


March 27, 2019

Pandora cherry blossoms at Mount Pleasant Park (15th and Manitoba)

Pandora cherry blossoms at Mount Pleasant Park (Photo: jessica Tremblay) Pandora cherry blossoms at Mount Pleasant Park (Photo: jessica Tremblay)


Then I stopped at Vancouver City Hall to see the beautiful Accolade cherry blossoms and get the photo of Captain George Vancouver pointing at the blossoms.

Accolade cherry blossoms at Vancouver City Hall (photo: Jessica Tremblay). Accolade cherry blossoms at Vancouver City Hall (photo: Jessica Tremblay).


March 28 2019

Okame cherry trees look totally different than other cherry trees with their small dark flowers on a long calyx tube. It?s a rare cherry tree in Vancouver so it?s worth a visit. This tree is in Burnaby on Charles street (corner Fell).

Okame cherry blossoms on Charles street in Burnaby, B.C. Okame cherry blossoms on Charles street in Burnaby, B.C.


April 4, 2019

The Vancouver Cherry Blossom Festival kicked off today with the Cherry Jam, a noon-hour concert at downtown's Burrard SkyTrain station. Of course, the cherry blossoms were there.

The green leaves had started to come out so petals were falling gently on the crowd who was gathered to admire the blossoms.

This was a perfect beginning, considering the the theme of this year's festival is 'Petal by Petal'.

Akebono cherry blossoms at Burrard SkyTrain station Akebono cherry blossoms at Burrard SkyTrain station in Vancouver


At the entrance of Stanley Park, Akebono trees are in full bloom.


At the rose garden in Stanley Park, the Akebono cherry trees (they always seem to bloom last) were full of buds with some open flowers.

akebono cherry trees at the rose garden in Stanley Park akebono cherry blsooms at the rose garden in Stanley Park.




All photos by Jessica Tremblay.



Akebono cherry blossoms
Akebono cherry blossoms
Akebono cherry blossoms





About the Site

Every spring, 40,000 cherry trees bloom in Vancouver, British Columbia.

We invite you to experience the beauty of cherry blossoms through photos, videos, and stories.

About The Author

Jessica Tremblay is a cherry scout trained to identify the different cultivars of cherry trees in Vancouver.

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